







I want to become a doctor who sees patients not their diseases. I believe becoming a doctor provides the most efficient help to those who are in need. Saving lives is the most valuable thing. If I can communicate with the patients and listen to agony of their hearts, I’m not only treating diseases but am also treating patients. I love communicating with people and also love listening to their stories, so if I can do something that I love that helps the others, then that’s really an icing on the cake.  In CHIN 319, I want to learn to communicate in Chinese. Because studying Chinese helps me improve relationship with people, lets me interact with more variety of people, I can cure more people.

I want to become a doctor because I believe this is a job that helps the others. Even though the doctors’ social status and income are high, if they don’t have empathy toward people, they can’t become doctors.  Fortunately, I’m not afraid of death, odor, or tiredness. I’m not yet sure if I have the management skills, however, I love interacting with people. I believe if I can make the others happy by listening to them talk, then that’s a meaningful thing. Using Chinese that I’ve learned to communicate with more people is my goal.




我想当医生, 因为人们在地球上生存是为了帮助别人。我生命的目标不是为了我自己,而是为了别人。圣经说了人是神照祂的形象而造的。因而像祂,我要感动病人的心,摸到他们的灵。作为医生,我不但可以传福音,而且能医治病人的身体。所以我帮助别人的时候,不管是帮老人做翻译或是帮我的哥哥做脚底按摩,我的心充满是爱和满足。因此,我要全备地救人的生命。不但给病人继续活的机会也让他们有机会接受主耶稣。我同意这位医生的看法。虽然医生要很细緻,但是我觉得这些都是小事因为医生要有爱心来管病人,有适当的培训,医生要做什麽会自然地做出来。

我想当医生, 因为人们在地球上生存是为了帮助别人。我生命的目标不是为了我自己,而是为了别人。圣经说了人是神照祂的形象而造的。因而像祂,我要感动病人的心,摸到他们的灵。作为医生,我不但可以传福音,而且能医治病人的身体。所以我帮助别人的时候,不管是帮老人做翻译或是帮我的哥哥做脚底按摩,我的心充满是爱和满足。因此,我要全备地救人的生命。不但给病人继续活的机会也让他们有机会接受主耶稣。我同意这位医生的看法。虽然医生要很细致,但是我觉得这些都是小事因为医生要有爱心来管病人,有适当的培训,医生要做什么会自然地做出来。


我想當醫生, 因為人們在地球上生存是為了幫助別人。我生命的目標不是為了我自己,而是為了別人。聖經說了人是神照祂的形象而造的。因而像祂,我要感動病人的心,摸到他們的靈。作為醫生,我不但可以傳福音,而且能醫治病人的身體。所以我幫助別人的時候,不管是幫老人做翻譯或是幫我的哥哥做腳底按摩,我的心充滿是愛和滿足。因此,我要全備地救人的生命。不但給病人繼續活的機會也讓他們有機會接受主耶穌。我同意這位醫生的看法。雖然醫生要很細緻,但是我覺得這些都是小事因為醫生要有愛心來管病人,有適當的培訓,醫生要做什麼會自然地做出來。

我想当医生, 因为人们在地球上生存是为了帮助别人。我生命的目标不是为了我自己,而是为了别人。圣经说了人是神照祂的形象而造的。因而像祂,我要感动病人的心,摸到他们的灵。作为医生,我不但可以传福音,而且能医治病人的身体。所以我帮助别人的时候,不管是帮老人做翻译或是帮我的哥哥做脚底按摩,我的心充满是爱和满足。因此,我要全备地救人的生命。不但给病人继续活的机会也让他们有机会接受主耶稣。我同意这位医生的看法。虽然医生要很细致,但是我觉得这些都是小事因为医生要有爱心来管病人,有适当的培训,医生要做什么会自然地做出来。

I want to be a doctor because I believe that we exist to help others. Quite simply, my life is not for myself, but for others. According to the Bible, mankind is God’s desire, hence He made us in His image and likeness. Therefore, like Him and in Him, I want to be able to move my patients’ hearts and to touch their spirits. As a doctor, I can not only preach the gospel, but I can even heal their bodies. This makes so much sense to me. So when I help others, whether it is to help translate for the elderly or massage my brother’s feet, my heart is full of love and satisfaction. I want to cooperate with God to save people to the uttermost, giving people a chance to continue living and an opportunity to know God. Being able to save others is even a salvation to me. Thus, I took CHIN 319 because the perspective and language skills I would gain from this class would help me reach out to more people. Practically speaking, knowing how to communicate with others in Chinese would open up more places I can practice medicine in.

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