
要念醫的感想(繁體) ~白佑安

我讀高中的時候有兩個主要的興趣: 服務業管理和化學。從那時到大學一年級結束後,我一直地探索、嘗試不同的行業,後來才發現醫學是最適合我的行業。在休士頓為遊民服務給了我一個念頭: 這一生我要怎樣好好地運用上帝給我的才能為這些人多做一點有益的事。現在對家庭全科、內科有興趣,因為想要當一個照顧到一個人各個方面的醫生。希望上完了這堂課我有更多自信用中文探討醫療、醫學方面的事情,將來當醫生時能夠用這學期學到的知識服務華人。




我读高中的时候有两个主要的兴趣: 服务业管理和化学。从那时到大学一年级结束後,我一直地探索、尝试不同的行业,後来才发现医学是最适合我的行业。在休士顿为遊民服务给了我一个念头: 这一生我要怎样好好地运用上帝给我的才能为这些人多做一点有益的事。现在对家庭全科、内科有兴趣,因为想要当一个照顾到一个人各个方面的医生。希望上完了这堂课我有更多自信用中文探讨医疗、医学方面的事情,将来当医生时能够用这学期学到的知识服务华人。



Thoughts on Wanting to Learn Medicine

I had two main interests in high school: hospitality management and chemistry. From that moment until the end of my first year in college, I explored and tried out various fields, but I eventually realized that medicine was the most fitting career for me. While serving the homeless in Houston, I pondered, “In this life, how can I faithfully use the talents that God has given me to benefit these people even more?” I am currently interested in family medicine and internal medicine because I want to be a physician that cares for all aspects of an individual. I hope that after completing this class, I will have more confidence in discussing healthcare and medicine-related topics in Chinese and can use the knowledge gained from this semester’s class to better serve the Chinese-speaking population as a physician.

In my opinion, helping others trumps earning a specific social status and becoming wealthy. If one wants to become rich, there are other jobs that can help one achieve this goal without having to work so hard. If one only wants to earn the respect of others, then the road of medicine will inevitably be a painful path. Choosing to become a physician is one of life’s important decisions. It will greatly influence one’s future.


讀醫的感想(繁體) ~丁光潔










Why Do I want to be a doctor

I want to study medicine because I am very interested in medical knowledge, and doctors can influence their patients greatly. Good doctors not only help cure the patients’ disease, but also help cure them psychologically. When I volunteered in the hospital, I saw how patient and loving the doctors were to their patients and felt that being a doctor is a very meaningful job. I want to become a doctor that focuses on the patients, so I decided to not only study well, but also learn how to treat others with respect.

Response to reading:

This doctor actually didn’t really talk about why he wanted to be a doctor. He mentioned a few different ideas: the social standing and business knowledge of doctors. Doctors not only need to have the will to help others, they also have to be willing to accept hardships. Also, they need to know if they are able to open up business and earn money by themselves. I believe this doctor must have his own clinic, so he could understand how complex it is to actually open up his own clinic.

After the lesson, I thought more about why I wanted to become a doctor. I realized that my parents actually really want me to study medicine and earn big bucks. However, when I decided to study medicine, it is not for the money, but for helping others. I don’t need to earn a lot or have a high social standing. As long as I can pay my student debt and loans and be able to support myself, I am satisfied.



為什麼上CHIN319(繁體) ~ 葉澄




I am taking CHIN 319 because I intend to go to physio therapy school after college in Hong Kong. Physical therapists are required to communicate effectively with their patients to better understand their injuries/problems. Being a physiotherapist in Hong Kong requires me to speak fluent Mandarin, since it is the official language in China. Before coming to college, I was a tennis player from Hong Kong, and my physiotherapist played a massive role in keeping me healthy and injury-free. The reason I want to be a physiotherapist is not because of the social economic status, but instead, it is the feeling of accomplishment I get from knowing that I made an impact in someone’s life. Upon completion of this course, I hope to learn more about Chinese medical terms to help me in future endeavours.



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